SAFA Coaching Education Department will be conducting a Goalkeeper’s Coaching Course from the 13 – 17 March 2017. The course will take place at the SAFA National Technical Centre (Fun Valley, Johannesburg).
SAFA Coaching Education Department will be conducting a Goalkeeper’s Coaching Course from the 13 – 17 March 2017. The course will take place at the SAFA National Technical Centre (Fun Valley, Johannesburg).
Entry requirements for the course are that:
- One should be an active Goalkeeper’s Coach with SAFA Level 1 Coaching Certificate or B License
- Other coaching qualifications will only be considered if it is equivalent to B Licence and approved by the SAFA National Office
Application requirements:
- CV including all contact details – mobile number, fax, e-mail (maximum 2 pages)
- Coaching Activity report (maximum 2 pages)
- Copy of Level 1 Certificate or B License
- Application/Motivation letter (maximum 1 page)
- Signed letter of reference from the Region/Club (1 page)
- Copy of Identity Document
- A commitment fee of R 4000.00 (non refundable) should be paid to SAFA’s account
SAFA will provide accommodation, meals and the facilities. The candidate should make his or her own travel arrangements.
The Commitment Course Fee of R 4000.00 should be paid if the applicant has received an Acceptance Letter from the Coaching Education Department and failure to adhere to any of the entry requirements will result in the candidate’s application not being approved.
Please note: Late and incomplete applications as well as applications exceeding 12 pages will not be considered.
The SAFA Coaching Education Department will not enter into discussions relating to applications for the course.
All interested coaches should send their applications by e-mail or fax by no later than 27th February 2017, Joy Moloi: Fax no. 086 6807917 or email: