23 August 2018– Chairperson of the South African Women & Sports Foundation, Ms Muditambi Ravele, has called on women to change the narrative in the workplace.
Ravele, who is also a business woman and sports administrator, was addressing delegates at the 2018 FIFA Women’s Administrators Course on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at the SAFA Technical Centre, south of Johannesburg.
The four-day gathering, which saw close to 100 women attend, comes to an end later today (Thursday, 23 August).
Ravele, who has also had a leadership role in boxing, wheelchair tennis and football, focused her presentation on Advocacy and Mentoring.
She had some advice for the participants.
“Often we focus on the negative, we love the phrase that women pull each other down, but it is not always the case. It’s perhaps two percent that do so, so we don’t need to focus on that minority,” said Ravele.
“Don’t take any job where you will never be passionate about. Do something that excites you so that when the going gets tough your passion comes through for you. Always criticise yourself, do an introspection all the time.”
Ravele made a plea to the women not to be sidetracked by other factors.
“People always say what do you know, so don’t focus on that, rather do what you know and learn to control temper. As women, we have the tendency of pulling hair when things go tough, but you need to stay calm. Let’s not be allowed to be sidetracked – when the ball is in front of you focus on it, not on your opponent,” she added.
“Wherever you are you must advocate for women and girls, because we are disadvantaged. We are behind so we need to catch up. Lets open doors for those less fortunate than us and never doubt that a small group can make a change.”
- A set of organised activities designed to influence the policies and actions of others, communities or corporates to achieve change and influencing decision making processes, for example to make them more democratic and to ensure that marginalised people are able to participate and influence political agendas
- About empowering people, so that those who are excluded have the confidence and skills to participate effectively in decision making, and to claim their right to do so
Always brighten the corner where you are – by bringing other women into the picture. (for example how do you hope to influence decisions in your local football association when you don’t sit in their committees or attend their meetings).
Rationale for advocacy:
- Challenge discrimination, oppression, poverty, poor service delivery, poor health services, poor education services, and other ills of society,
- Identify the root causes of the disadvantages, tackle and change the underlying causes of a problem in whatever form
In sports:
- In the USA, men basketballers are paid 4.5 million dollars, while women get only 75-thousand USD
- In soccer, the average salary is 207-thousand USD for men, whereas women pocket only 30-thousand
- In golf 973-thousand USD is reserved for men, with women getting only 162-thousand USD
- In tennis the scenario is different, women lead the way with 345-thousand whilst men walk away with 260-thousand.
In South Africa things are no different.
In the 1992 team that went to the Olympics, 68 were men with women lagging behind on 45
- 1996 – 68 and 20
- 2000 – 89 and 38
- 2004 – 66 and 40
- 2008 – 75 and 59
- 2012 – 68 and 56
- 2016 – 92 and 45
- With hard work, good planning and a bit of luck you can achieve your goal and bring about change
- You need to be change agents in your work environment
- We need to start changing our mindset so so we can change that of our kids
- It doesn’t matter at what level you are, women go through all the challenges like all of us
- Identify women with the same interest, same focus, same spirity and work with them. Don’t focus on the negative two percent.
Rather set up a meetign and speak to people. Being aggressive and loud and scream does not help.
- It is not social mobilisation
- It is not information, communication or education
- It is not public relations
- It is not fundraising
- Offers positive and credible alternatives,
- Is directed at those with the power to make changes,
- Has clear goals and measurable objectives,
- Is a long term process, and not a one off event or output,
- Is a means to achieve a goal, not an end in itself,
- Is characterised by follow-through to ensure policy changes lead to improvements in practice,
- Is informed by a belief that change is possible, and
- Inspires others to feel the same.
Good advocacy, eventually achieves the change you were aiming for by opening political space for others, reflecting on the values it seeks to promote, and challenging of the imbalances in power or structures which prevent women from accessing their rights.
- Undertaking activities without working out a strategy or plan – implies Unclear aims and objectives
- Asking decision makers to do something which is not in their power,
- Not having a clearly defined ‘ask’ – the message,
- Getting the timing wrong and trying to influence a process when key decisions have already been made, and
- Using poor messages which are confusing, don’t motivate or fail to include a call to action.
The Morale of Advocacy:
There will always be people opposed to what you are trying to do; if it wasn’t controversial you would not need to do advocacy.
Mentoring is defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person
(the mentor) assists another (the mentee) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will
enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth.
- a relationship of trust focused on developing another person’s long-term potential, especially in areas which are hard to train.
- … an effective vehicle for moving knowledge from the people who have had greater experience and learning to those who have had less in comparison, all in an effort to help people realise their potential.
Mentoring characteristics:
- Must be mutual consent of a mentor and the person being mentored
- Focused on professional development related to what the mentee does
- Relationship is personal – a mentor provides both professional and personal support
- Mentor or mentee may initiate the relationship
- Relationship may last for a specific period of time (nine months to a year) in a formal program, at which point the pair may continue in an informal mentoring relationship
Benefits of Mentoring:
- Empowering and upskilling
- Building self-esteem, self-confidence
- Enhancing professional development.
- Equipping the mentee with valuable knowledge and information they need to grow and develop
- Mentor acts as a sounding board in a safe and non-judgemental environment
- Shed light on the unwritten rules of the big wide world, of being a woman, the world of work, etc.
- Help mentees to clarify their development needs
- Challenge mentees around choice of development options
- Accelerate the mentee’s development of leadership potential
- Transferring knowledge in areas such as communication, critical thinking, responsibility, flexibility and teamwork
Benefits of being mentored:
- Gaining from your mentor’s expertise
- Receiving critical feedback in key areas, such as communications, interpersonal relationships, technical abilities, change management, and leadership skills.
- Developing a sharper focus on what you need to grow professionally within your organization or elsewhere.
- Learning specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to professional and personal goals.
- Networking with a more influential person.
- Gaining knowledge about your organization’s culture and unspoken rules that can be critical for success and therefore adapting more quickly to your organization’s culture.
- Having a friendly ear with which to share frustrations as well as successes.
Role of a mentor:
- As a mentor, your primary role is to provide guidance and support based on an individuals unique developmental needs
- At different points in your relationship, you will take on some or all of the following roles:
- Coach/advisor
- Source of encouragement
- Resource person
- Champion
- Sponsor
Mentor roles and responsibilities:
- Phase 1: Identifying Roles
- Have a clear understanding of why you want to be a mentor
- Mentor with a realistic assessment of your skills and experience
- Phase 2: Communicating Expectations
- Have a clear understanding of your expectations for your mentee
- Clearly communicate those expectations
- Stay flexible in changing expectations or plans
- Create goals with milestones and deliverables
- Adapt your feedback to your mentee’s learning style
- Be realistic about setting timelines
- Phase 3: Working Together
- Advise, don’t dictate
- Advise on what you know and admit the things you don’t know
- Give good examples
- Recognize your mentee’s weaknesses and build on his/her strengths
- Offer constructive feedback
- Evaluate progress
- Be your mentee’s supporter when he/she reaches his/her goals
- Be consistent and reliable
- Phase 4: Meeting All the Goals
- After mentoring is completed, follow up on successes
- Provide an evaluation of the experience
- Repeat the mentoring process with others
Mentee roles and responsibilities:
- Phase 1: Identifying Roles
- Have a clear understanding of why you want to be mentored
- Select a Mentor based on criteria relevant to your goals
- Phase 2: Communicating Expectations
- Have a clear understanding of your expectations for your mentor
- Clearly communicate those expectations
- Stay flexible in changing expectations or plans
- Create goals with milestones and deliverables
- Inform your mentor about your preferred learning style
- Be realistic about setting timelines
- Phase 3: Working Together
- Listen and contribute to the conversation
- Understand that your mentor will not have all the answers
- Accept constructive feedback
- Set time aside for self-reflection
- Evaluate progress
- Celebrate success
- Be consistent and reliable
- Phase 4: Meeting All of the Goals
- Provide your mentor with updates after the mentoring is completed
- Provide an evaluation of the experience
- Say thank you
- Give back to the profession and volunteer to become an AMTA mentor
Mentoring Process:
Identify your needs | Identify an area in your work that you feel you would benefit from having support from a mentor. |
Find a mentor | 1) You may already have a person in mind as a potential mentor. If you approach them you will have to be sure that they are willing to commit to the
relationship and accept the fact that they might not be ready to. 2) Speak to colleagues and contacts in other organisations. They may have useful information about people they know who could help you. |
Create a mentorship portfolio record | 1) You will be creating a number of documents during this process which you
should keep together safely. 2) Some of these will require signatures so it is recommended that you print paper copies and use a binder or folder as your portfolio record |
Mentee’s Commandments:
- It’s your job, not your mentor’s job.
- Think commitment, not lip service.
- Show up for the relationship.
- Give back and get more.
- Keep expectations realistic.
- It’s risky, but it’s healthy.
- Be yourself; we already have everybody else.
- Don’t be afraid of your mentor’s silence.
Successful Mentor/mentee Relationship:
- Keep communications open.
- Mentee:Be up front. Let your mentor know what your goals are and what you hope to take away from the program.
- Mentor:Help your mentee set realistic expectations. Also, if you know you will be unavailable because of business or personal travel, let them know.
- Offer support.
- Mentee: Remember that your mentor is there for you, but is only a guide.
- Mentor:Encourage communication and participation. Help create a solid plan of action.
- Define expectations.
- Mentee: Review your goals. Make sure your mentor knows what to expect from you.
- Mentor: Help set up a system to measure achievement.
- Maintain contact.
- Mentee:Be polite and courteous. Keep up with your e-mails and ask questions.
- Mentor: Respond to your e-mails. Answer questions and provide advice, resources and guidance when appropriate.
- Be honest.
- Mentee: Let your mentor know if you don’t understand something or have a differing opinion.
- Mentor:Be truthful in your evaluations, but also be tactful.
- Actively participate.
- Mentee: Ask if you can observe your mentor’s practice if he/she is local.
- Mentor: Engage in your own learning while you are mentoring, collaborate on projects, ask questions and experiment.
- Be innovative and creative.
- Mentee: Offer ideas on what activities and exercises you can do together.
- Mentor:Share your ideas, give advice and be a resource for new ideas.
- Get to know each other.
- Mentee and Mentor: Remember that people come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Get to know each other on an individual basis.
- Be reliable and consistent.
- Mentee and Mentor: The more consistent you are, the more you will be trusted.
- Stay positive!
- Mentee: Remember that your mentor is offering feedback and not criticizing.
Mentor: Recognize the work the mentee has done and the progress made
- FORMAL: Includes a written agreement, formal meeting times, and involvement in daily or weekly activities
- INFORMAL: A relationship without a written agreement or formal meeting schedule
- VIRTUAL (VIA EMAIL): Includes emails, chats, phone calls, and other interactions without physically at the same place
- FACE TO FACE: Includes meeting in a physical location with both parties together
- PEER-TO-PEER: Colleagues at the same level sharing experiences and knowledge; friends or co-workers can be informal mentors for personal growth.