15 October 2019 – The South African Football Association’s (SAFA) centralised player and competition management system, has all but ended age-cheating in local football as well as assisting the various associations to easily organise competitions. 

The digital platform, known as MYSAFA, has gained momentum since its launch in 2017 and represents a critical plank in Dr. Jordaan’s Vision 2022 platform. SAFA league administrators within the structures currently register over 1 000 players per day. 

More significantly, SAFA is poised to take full advantage of FIFA’s 2.0 initiative. Starting in July 2020, SAFA’s registered clubs in will be paid training rewards directly from the newly-created FIFA Clearing House.  

SAFA.net had the opportunity to catch up with the REO (Regional Executive Officer) of SAFA Tshwane, Mr Neelan Chetty, who provided his personal insights and viewpoints on this unique system.

On his overall experience with MYSAFA, Chetty was more than happy to provide an assessment.

“It is a very good system. It eliminates dual registrations and no player can illegally register twice like before. It easily picks up fraudulent IDs,” Chetty said. “It is all very easy and simple to use. Players are registered without any hassles and the system is actually being improved on, each and every week. If you are new then it is quite easy to learn and get used to.” 

“Their staff is always on hand to assist and that helps us a great deal — even after hours to make sure we are sorted,” Added Chetty.

Mr. Chetty also sees the benefits of MYSAFA going beyond simple player registration and league administration for the current season.

“MYSAFA provides a solid base from which to trace and track players and their movements. This will go a long way to finding talented youngsters who can play for the national teams and do us proud,” concluded Chetty.

For more information on how your LFA can benefit from MYSAFA, contact the support team at support@mysafa.net.  

For details on how to register your club, players and ensure inclusion in FIFA’s Clearing House reforms, go to www.mysafaclubpro.com/.