The South African Football Coaches Association (SAFCA) is saddened by the passing of Professor Louis Jeevanantham.
His passing is a great loss to local football especially on the technical development front.
He was a highly intelligent, critical thinker and outspoken on finding African solutions to African challenges in football.
Perhaps unbeknown to many, Professor Jeevanantham contributed massively into the Maximal Training Methodology, having worked alongside the late Ted Dumitru for many years, on research/studies, as we all strived to design Africanised and specific football, training, coaching, content.
Prof was a key contributor and instrumental, together with the late Ted, in conceptualising and designing a prototype of revolutionary football psychometric testing tool – also a first in African football.
During his football playing days, he was a very skillful, intelligent player back in the Federation Professional League for Bluebells FC of Lenasia, before going into academia eventually retiring as a Professor at Unisa.
He was a passionate believer in the natural attributes and strengths of African players, and in a possession based, positive entertaining style of play.
He strongly believed that a coaching programme had to be devised, developed and implemented, with the African and South African bio-cultural and environmental experience as its foundation. He also advocated for the local South African specificity to be reflected at all levels of players’ development, in professional clubs and national teams as a powerful and unique trend in football.
His legacy lives on through the ‘futuristic’ Maximal Training Methodology.
For More Information:
Greg Mashilo – SAFCA President
076 941 1939