SAFA Level 3 Coaching Course
The entry requirements for the course are:
- SAFA Level 2 Coaching Certificate
- An International coaching qualification equivalent to an official UEFA A Licence
The final admission into the Level 3 course will be decided during a special “Aptitude and Selection test” . A maximum of sixty (60) short listed applicants will be invited for evaluation in theory and practical work during the test.
SAFA will cover the cost for meals and accommodation while participants are expected to provide their own transport to the course venue.
Late and incomplete applications as well as applications exceeding 12 pages will not be considered. The SAFA coaching education department will not enter into any discussions relating to the course applications.
Application requirements:
- Application/Motivation letter (maximum 1 page)
- CV (Curriculum Vitae) including all contact details e.g: Mobile number, fax, email (maximum 2 pages)
- The SAFA Football Activity Report Sheet attached (The form can be downloaded or requested from the Department of coaching education)
- One letter of reference (maximum 1 page)
- Copy of the SAFA Level 2 Coaching Certificate or equivalent international coaching qualification e.g: UEFA A Licence
- One copy of your Identity Document.